AVALINE Short Course
Private Tuition  

Avaline offer one to one based online and in-campus private tuition. our tutiuon

■ It allows the tutor and student to focus specifically on issues and problems
■ It enables the tutor to get a more in-depth understanding of a student’s strengths and weakness in a specific topic or subject
■ It allows the student the opportunity to ask questions and highlight areas of concern without fear of embarrassment from peers
■ It allows the tutor to monitor in real-time how a student is thinking and correct misunderstanding or misconceptions
■ It provides an exceptional platform for engagement, confidence building and motivation for students

Please note that the availability of our teachers is dependent on their schedule. Please contact us for more information.

Avaline Private Tuition Subjects


Subject GCSE/IGCSE Board Code
■ Arabic*** GCSE Edexcel 1AA0
■ Art & Design (Fine Art) GCSE AQA 8202
■ Art & Design (Photography) GCSE AQA 8206
■ Biology IGCSE Edexcel 4BI1
■ Business IGCSE Edexcel 4BS1
■ Chemistry IGCSE Edexcel 4CH1
■ Computer Science  GCSE  AQA 8520
■ Economics IGCSE Edexcel 4EC1
■ English Language IGCSE Edexcel 4EA1
■ English as a Second Language IGCSE Edexcel 4ES1
■ English Literature IGCSE Edexcel 4ET1
■ French IGCSE Edexcel 4FR1
■ Further Pure Mathematics  IGCSE Edexcel 4PM1
■ Geography IGCSE Edexcel 4GE1
■ History IGCSE Edexcel 4HI1
■ Mathematics IGCSE Edexcel 4MA1
■ Music* GCSE  AQA 8271
■ Physics IGCSE Edexcel 4PH1
■ Russian*** GCSE Edexcel 1RU0
■ Spanish IGCSE Edexcel 4SP1




Subject Board AS Level Code A Level Code
■ Accounting** AQA 7126 7127
■ Art & Design (Fine Art) AQA 7242 7202
■ Art & Design (Photography) AQA 7246 7206
■ Art & Design (Textile Design) AQA 7244 7204
■ Biology Edexcel 8BI0 9BI0
■ Business AQA 7131 7132
■ Chemistry Edexcel 8CH0 9CH0
■ Computer Science AQA 7516 7517
■ Economics AQA 7135 7136
■ English Literature OCR H072 H472
■ Film Studies  WJEC  B670QS A670QS
■ French AQA 7651 7652
■ Further Mathematics** Edexcel 8FM0 9FM0
■ Geography Edexcel 8GE0 9GE0
■ History AQA 7041 7042
■ Mathematics** Edexcel 8MA0 9MA0
■ Music AQA 7271 7272
■ Music Technology Edexcel  8MT0 9MT0
■ Philosophy** AQA 7171 7172
■ Politics** Edexcel 8PL0 9PL0
■ Physics AQA 7407 7408
■ Psychology AQA 7181 7181
■ Russian Edexcel 8RU0 9RU0
■ Sociology AQA 7191 7192
■ Spanish Edexcel 8SP0 9SP0



Avaline Diploma (Level 3)

■ Art (Fine Art) ■ Art (Photography) ■ Art (Textile Design) ■ Mathematics
■ Business ■ Chemistry ■ Physics ■ Further Mathematics
■ English Language ■ English Literature ■ Computer Science ■ History
■ Economics ■ French ■ Sociology ■ Geography
■ Psychology ■ Accounting ■ Politics ■ Biology 
■ Academic English ■ Independent Research Project