AVALINE Short Course
Oxford & Cambridge Preparation  

Owing to the extent and quality of the competition, getting into an Oxbridge College (College within Oxford or Cambridge Universities) is extremely difficult and challenging. Not only is competition tough, the academic threshold expected for entry is also some of highest anywhere in the world.  Upon graduating, students get a massive boost in terms of career progression as the quality of Oxbridge institutions are recognised globally alongside universities such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford,   the Sorbonne or Peking University. Students graduating from either Oxford or Cambridge will certainly be sought after by top employers and command higher salaries and accelerated career progression.

If a student is academically able and has a history of academic success, then they could apply to either Oxford or Cambridge, as you cannot apply for both universities at the same time. This is known as the Oxbridge Rule and it prevents student from applying to both universities in any one year. Whether applying to an Oxford or Cambridge College, students must be properly prepared and understand the process, as well as the additional tests they may to take and how the selection and interview process works.

Avaline School has developed its very own Oxbridge Preparation course that covers the following:

  1. Overview of history of Oxford and Cambridge universities and how the universities are structured and operate, including many of their traditions – including the collegiate structure
  2. The selection process – what are they looking for in a student
  3. Writing your UCAS statement and any supporting material you will need
  4. Details about specific tests that they may need to take
  5. How to respond during interviews and what to expect

Not everyone can or should apply to Oxford and Cambridge – you have be exceptionally able and within the very top percentile of your academic peers to even be properly considered. Average or good students can apply for Russell Group universities, but applicants to Oxbridge have to be a league of their own, although in many ways, entry into LSE, Imperial or UCL can be nearly as demanding. 


Oxbridge Entry Test Preparation

Both Oxford and Cambridge use admissions tests as part of the pre-admission process to select suitable candidates. Avaline School helps students in the preparation of these tests by ensuring that students are familiar with the typical approach, level, and style of question.


BMAT               Biochemical Admissions Test

MAT                  Mathematics Admissions Test                                          (Oxford)

MLAT                Modern Languages Admissions Test                               (Oxford)

OLAT                Oriental Languages Test                                                  (Oxford)

PAT                   Physics Admissions Test                                                  (Oxford)

TMUA               Test of Mathematics for University Admission                  (Cambridge)

ENGAA             Engineering Admissions Assessment                              (Cambridge)

NSAA                Natural Sciences Admissions Assessment                      (Cambridge)


Those applying to Cambridge will also have to complete a Supplementary Application Questionnaire or SAQ.


The Interview

All university interviews are stressful, but Oxbridge interviews are particularly demanding. The purpose of the interview is to explore how a student thinks through problems and issues put before them. The interviewers are looking for a number of things:

  • Evidence of genuine and in-depth understanding of a subject and wider reading
  • Ability to critically evaluate information and data put in front of candidates and make logical suppositions or conclusions
  • The ability to link cause and effect
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Strong Mathematical skills and communications skills
  • How students think on their feet – how do they structure their thoughts - how your thinking

Candidates are likely to be given an academic problem to solve, either beforehand or during the interview. Typically students are often interviewed on more than one occasion with one or two academic staff present.  Many Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge also require you to submit written work in advance of an interview.

Avaline has created a structure and in-depth preparation course for Oxbridge so that students stand a reasonable chance of apply and succeeding or at least securing an interview. Once a student secures at interview, their chances of success dramatically increase if they perform well.

Avaline School will help prepare by offering you mock interviews and sample questions that will demonstrate to you the depth and level of questions you are expected to tackle.  We will also help you understand the collegiate structure and the differences between the Colleges. 


UCAS Preparation

A critical part of any application to a top flight university is your personal statement as part of your UCAS application. This should display and convey your intellectual and social interests in a manner that is attractive and makes you stand out as someone who is authentic in their wish to study at such a prestigious universities and what motivates you.  Avaline School Oxbridge Preparation will guide you through the critical steps and train you in what is the correct approach. It will help advise and edit your personal statement and you will also receive seminars and training on what makes a successful applicant.