GCSE ( UK Year 10/ 11 ) 

The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is a set of exams taken in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and other British territories. They are usually taken by students aged 15–16, after two years of study. Some pupils can take their exams early if their teachers think the students are capable. Most students taking their GCSEs study between 5 and 12 subjects.

All pupils have to study English, mathematics and science until they are 15-16. They do not have to take the GCSE exams, but the large majority do so. In Wales, students must also study Welsh until they are 14.

Most schools require that a pupil passes 5 or more GCSE exams at grades 4 or 5 or above before they can move on to study A-levels.

The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is an English language based examination similar to GCSE and is recognized in the UK as being equivalent to the GCSE for the purposes of recognizing prior attainment. It was developed by University of Cambridge International Examinations. The examination boards Edexcel and Oxford AQA also offer their own versions of International GCSEs. Students normally begin studying the syllabus at the beginning of Year 10 and take the test at the end of Year 11. Unlike pre-2017 GCSE, coursework of any kind is not a compulsory component. 

Our year 10 course is the first year of GCSE, student need to study 5 or more GCSE subjects to progression to next leavel. 


GCSEs Subjects:
■ Art  ■ History  Biology ■ Mathematics
 Business ■ Chemistry ■ Physical Education ■ Physics
 English Language ■ English Literature ■ PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education) 
■ Religious Studies  French ■ Sociology  Geography


  Year 11 End
  ↓ Sep Intake  Jan Intake
One Year GCSE   1 years GCSE course, course start at september each year
Jan - June GCSE    Start at Jan , exam at June