UCL Summer Research

AVALINE Summer Research
IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society


  地点: UCL Institute of Education  
  年龄:     12-18 周岁 在校学生  
  开学日期: 第一期 06 July 2025  抵达UCL宿舍 07 July 2025  开学
    第二期 13 July 2025  抵达UCL宿舍 14 July 2025  开学
    第三期 20 July 2025  抵达UCL宿舍 21 July 2025  开学
    第四期 27 July 2025  抵达UCL宿舍 28 July 2025  开学
    第五期 03 Aug 2025  抵达UCL宿舍 04 Aug 2025  开学
    第六期 10 Aug 2025  抵达UCL宿舍 11 Aug 2025   开学
  学制:   2周  







学生抵达英国,由蔚翎老师接机后入住UCL大学宿舍    Check in  to accommodation (UCL)














学生将开启 UCL 暑期的课题研究,同学们将会分配不同的课题,并与其他同学通过小组讨论互动来完成研究课题。






上午在 UCL 结束课程后在老师的带领下游览格林威治。






上午安排 学生上午在 UCL 完成课题研究并与其他国家学生一起活动。
下午安排 下午由老师带领前往自然历史博物馆进行课题研究。

























学生将抵达英国最美丽的城市 - 巴斯。






上午安排 学生上午将抵达英国皇家空军博物馆,在老师的带领下了解英国的航空历史和机械工程。下午安排学生将前往哈利波特摄影棚体验魔幻世界。


















学生完成了 2 周的游学课程蔚翎工作人员带领学生在集合地集合,统一前往温莎城堡。下午学员将抵达英国希斯罗国际机场,搭乘飞机返回祖国。







      提醒: 暑期夏令营行程为样例行程,其具体行程根据实际天气等不确定因素变化,请与我们的工作人员取得联系获取最终行程。  










AVALINE Curriculum

At Avaline school we provide an education, which is relevant and stimulating so that each student is able to fulfil his or her full potential.  The curriculum is well balanced and offers a wide range of learning experiences, both inside and outside the classroom. 

We have high expectations of our students - we challenge them academically and encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning.  Those who need specific help to thrive are guided and supported individually. We also work with our international academic partners to bring a multicultural learning experience.  This entitlement is for everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, religion or disability. Our curriculum of Language, Business, Science and Art subjects are deliver through lectures and personal tutorial sessions. We have a thorough and robust system of monitoring and assessment, which provides regular feedback to students and parents on progress.

Work-related learning, careers education and guidance are comprehensively incorporated into the curriculum.  We ensure that students are able to make effective decisions about their future at each relevant stage of their further education. 

The Avaline International High School curriculum is a mixture of the  UK and Chinese senior high school education curricula. The chinese curriculum consists of two parts: compulsory and elective paer. We can tell students' study status through their credits. Credits are recognized by schools. 

How to Apply Avaline









Avaline School offers a range of GCSEs, A-Levels, and a comprehensive selection of Avaline Diploma programmes. Students can join local Avaline Learning Centres or campuses, and additionally, we provide a "sandwich" programme for secondary school students. To broaden students' international perspectives and abilities, Avaline has created an international campus experience with flexible term options. Avaline students can customise their studies to complete courses at our UK, China, or Dubai campuses during the academic year.

If you wish to proceed with enrolment, please contact us to arrange an appointment.

If you choose to study at one of Avaline's China Centres or campuses, after consulting with us about the courses, our teachers will invite you to visit the Learning Centre. During your visit, the centre's staff will assist you with all the necessary enrolment procedures and provide support.

If you choose to study at Avaline's UK or Dubai campuses, we welcome both parents and students to visit our London or Dubai campuses. Should students and parents wish to visit in person, we will issue an invitation. During the visit, students will meet with the Avaline Principal, complete the entrance exam and interview. Alternatively, we can arrange an online interview, where students can meet with the Principal or Academic Director via video call. Based on the student’s individual situation, we will offer tailored advice on course selection.

Whether you choose to study at our China Centre or abroad, we also offer the secondary school "sandwich" programme, which includes a one-year or one-semester study abroad experience in the UK. This allows our students to gain a full British secondary school learning experience and skillset during their school years.

To ensure our teachers provide the best advice, you must submit your previous exam results and transcripts. If you would like to attend a trial class, arrangements can be made at a suitable time.

When visiting our centre or meeting with our teachers online, we will inform you about the availability of spaces. Once you decide to enrol, you will need to complete an application form and pay a deposit (please refer to our terms and conditions) to secure your place.

For more information, please contact our admissions team.

English : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chinese : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


1. Contact us for an appointment
2.   Vist our centres                 or     Online Meeting 
3. Your can e-mail us your previous examination results and school reports.
4. you can bring you copies of previous examination results and school reports. 
5. Complete an application form   
6. Interview and Entry Test 
7.  Offer issued 
 8.    Student pay a deposit 
 9.    Student join Avaline School 




Avaline School was founded to help students successfully gain entry into some of the UK’s best private schools and universities. Our role is to act as an academic and cultural facilitator, guiding and advising parents about those institutions that best fit the educational aspirations and academic abilities of their children.

Avaline School was founded on the basis that its staff and teachers would ensure that all students received an excellent academic experience. To achieve this, the School has detailed, strong policy-guidance on how teaching should be delivered and standards of assessment, both formative and summative. All teachers must have, as a bare minimum, a first degree in their field and have at least 5 years' teaching experience and familiarity with the specification being delivered.  Lessons are observed and feedback is constantly taken from students to ensure that teachers are meeting their needs, and where necessary taking into account differential learning, SEN matters and how a student learns.


We present students with concise cultural seminars on topics such as music, art, and what constitutes good modern manners (etiquette). This essential support helps them adjust to the UK and opens their minds to new experiences and possibilities, helping to enrich their enjoyment of the UK and its rich cultural life and history.  

The Avaline Club forms a key part of this process by encouraging students to become involved in a wide range of activities, including visiting art galleries, concerts, museums and exhibitions. Parents are also encouraged to take part in these trips.

To be better prepared for life in the UK, the Avaline Club improves a student’s experience by coaching and mentoring them specifically in:

  • Etiquette and modern manners
  • How to make a good first impression and develop confidence (impression management)
  • Introducing key concepts in art and classical music
  • An introduction to Classicism and Neoclassicism architecture
  • Overview of British Institutions

Students will receive personal attention in terms of academic support and general pastoral care. This approach allows issues and problems to be quickly spotted and resolved. It also enables students the chance to speak about any fears or concerns they may have about a subject or studying in general.

This provision will help support students’ emotional and physical welfare and ensure that they are in a good state of wellbeing and comfortable in their surroundings.  Pastoral support will be provided on a frequent basis and ensure that students understand how to navigate around the increasingly complex challenges of the 21st Century, especially for teenagers. All of our staff are trained to show students how to look after themselves and where to seek additional help should they require it. Good pastoral care underpins personal development, allow a child to grow and study with confidence, taking full advantage of that is around them. Our support covers students’ emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing, in a non-religious context, focusing on how best to respond to the various challenges that typically arise at this age-group.

Students with Special Educational Needs are supported by Avaline’s School SENCo, who helps with admissions and ensure that students with special needs can have their complex needs meet. The SENCo assesses the student’s Educational Psychologists Reports and ensure that adaptations and adjustments are made to allow that child to participate fully in classroom and broader curriculum learning. The School makes reasonable adjustments and also review examination access arrangements based on a student’s usual way of working.






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The information on this page is currently being updated. Please refer to other pages for the latest information.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office.

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Best regards,
Avaline IT Department